Season the lamb racks with salt and pepper, sear on all sides and let cool.
To make the glaze, combine 3/8 cup of maple syrup with the vinegar, hickory seasoning and brown sugar. Spread the glaze evenly over the lamb and apply 3/8 cup of bread crumbs to the meat. Melt 3 tbsp. of butter and combine with 1 1/2 tbsp. of maple syrup and remaining bread crumbs. Drizzle bread crumbs over the meat.
Roast each rack in a 450° F oven for 16-20 minutes or until an internal core temperature of 130° F is reached. Let rest for 5-8 minutes.
Combine bourbon, shallots and the remaining 3 tbsp. of maple syrup and reduce over high heat to a syrupy consistency. Add stock, bring to a boil and reduce again to a syrupy consistency. Remove from heat and whisk in the remaining 3 tbsp. of butter, strain the sauce, set aside and keep warm.
For each serving, slice 4 chops from each rack, place on a plate and serve with 2 ounces of bourbon sauce.